Timisoara: Day 2
Poput Istanbula, u koji sam putovala na samom startu godine, Temišvar mi je bio nepoznanica. Par usmenih preporuka meni dragih ljudi koje je put naveo u ovaj kraj Rumunije, nisu mi otkrile puno o gradu na Begeju. Priznacu, mucile su me predrasude. Ocekivala sam i dalje žive tragove komunizma, žene u zastarelim komadim iz 80-ih, muškarce sa šubarama a la Boris Jeljcin, po koji fin restoran i ako imamo srece dobro snabdeven H&M. Oh, kako sam samo bila površna i neinformisana. Dok smo otkrivali Temišvar, osetih stid zbog svojih prvobitnih ocekivanja. Da, sivilo komunizma je nagrizlo ovaj grad i da videli su se tragovi teškog života. Putevi nisu savršeni i nije najcisitje. Ali je jednostavno lepo. Onako, kako to samo mali i mirni gradovi poput ovog umeju da budu. Nenametljiv. Stidljiv. Bojažljiv. I u svim tim karakteristikama tako simpatican. Bez puno pompe, suvenirnica, turista gladnih uzbudenja. Sa najukusnijim devrecima, druželjubivim golubovima i izuzetno kulturnim ljudima. Idealan za kratak predah od života i beg od stresa. Do iduceg posta....Vaša B.
Like Istanbul, that I had visited at the start of the year, Timisoara was unknown for me. Couple of recommendations from my friends who were traveling to this part of Romania, didnt reveal much about this city. I'll admit, I had prejudice. I expected still living traces of communism, women in old fashion pieces from the 80s, men with hats a la Boris Yeltsin, few restaurants with good food and, if we have luck, well supplied H&M. Oh, how I was superficial and uninformed. While we were discovering Timisoara, I was shamed because of my initial expectations. Yes, communist regime impaired the city and you can see the traces of hard life. Roads are not perfect and the city is not so clean. But, it's simple nice. Just as only a small and quiet towns can be. Unobtrusive. Shy. Timid. And in all of these features so lovable. Without much fanfare, souvenir shops, tourists hungry of excitement. With the most delicious rolls, friendly pigeons and polite people. Ideal for a short break from life and escape from stress. Until the next post .... Yours B.
Like Istanbul, that I had visited at the start of the year, Timisoara was unknown for me. Couple of recommendations from my friends who were traveling to this part of Romania, didnt reveal much about this city. I'll admit, I had prejudice. I expected still living traces of communism, women in old fashion pieces from the 80s, men with hats a la Boris Yeltsin, few restaurants with good food and, if we have luck, well supplied H&M. Oh, how I was superficial and uninformed. While we were discovering Timisoara, I was shamed because of my initial expectations. Yes, communist regime impaired the city and you can see the traces of hard life. Roads are not perfect and the city is not so clean. But, it's simple nice. Just as only a small and quiet towns can be. Unobtrusive. Shy. Timid. And in all of these features so lovable. Without much fanfare, souvenir shops, tourists hungry of excitement. With the most delicious rolls, friendly pigeons and polite people. Ideal for a short break from life and escape from stress. Until the next post .... Yours B.
wearing: shirt:ROMWE; sweater: ZARA; jeans: ZARA; coat: MISS SIXTY;
boots: U.S.POLO; bag: MANGO; scarf: bought in Turkey;