New In: Timisoara Haul


  H&M shirt

Kako sam vam i obecala, u vecerašnjem postu videcete šta sam pazarila tokom svog boravka u Temišvaru. Ovoga puta odlucila sam se da  obnovim svoju kolekciju džempera i košulja, ali su svoje mesto našle i jedne nove pantalone, zanimljiv prsluk i bela torba, kakvu sam dugo tražila. Nažalost, kako su cene bile u lejima, nisam ih najpreciznije zapamtila, te ne zamerite što ih necu popisati. Cekam vaše utiske o novim komadima i favoritima! Do iduceg posta, ostanite mi nasmejani. Vaša B.

As I promised in today's post, you'll see my Timisoara haul. This time I decided to renew my collection of sweaters and shirts, but I also found the place for a new trousers, interesting vest and great white bag. Unfortunately, as the prices were in the leus, I didn't remember them, so I will not list them. I'm waiting for your impressions of the new pieces, and your favorites among! Until next post, keep smiling. Yours B.


 ZARA sweater


U.S.POLO pants


ZARA vest


ZARA sweater


ZARA sweater


U.S. POLO shirt


H&M bag